A Four-Footed Hero Filming Locations

We do not have enough information on the filming locations of A Four-Footed Hero.
A Four-Footed Hero Filming Locations
A Four-Footed Hero (1912)
Jack, Alice and Dandy are a well assorted trio. Jack is handsome, Alice sweet and Dandy is the best horse and friend a man ever had. Dandy takes the honors and a blue ribbon at the rodeo. Old Bill, the foreman, retires and Jack is given his position. Everyone is satisfied but Pedro, who treasures a grudge against the handsome Jack. His dislike turns into hate when Jack chastises the Mexican for ill-treating a horse. He seeks out the Indians and incites them to help him steal some of the Bar "B" horses. Jack is on guard that night. He is overpowered, knocked senseless and the horses are stampeded and are branded and hobbled. Pedro secrets the branding iron under Jack's bunk. Jack comes to and staggers to the boss and tells the news. Dandy, the horse, unties the hobbles with his teeth and arrives as the cowboys are about to start in pursuit of the horse thieves. Jack talks to him and makes him understand what is required of him, and Dandy leads them to where the Indians and horses are. The renegade camp is attacked, the Indians driven off and the horses are re-taken. Pedro escapes detection, and as they turn in he points to the branding iron under Jack's bunk. He is accused and fortified by Alice's belief in his innocence, Jack rides away full of anger and grief. Later Jack makes up his mind to unearth the real rustler and returns to the town near the ranch. The boss comes to town to get money for his payroll and is seen by Pedro. That night Jack sleeps in the open, the faithful Dandy nearby. He wakes and overhears Pedro and two ruffians plotting to steal the pay roll. He covers them, but is shot by one of the men from his coat. They take Dandy and leave Jack for dead. Dandy is placed in the corral. He pushes down the corral bars and returns to his master, takes a canteen, which is out of Jack's reach, in his teeth and gives it to Jack. Jack writes a message on his hat and gives it to Dandy, who races off to Alice. Alice calls the boys. They all ride off following Dandy, who leads them to his master. Jack is taken back to the ranch and unfolds the plot to the boss, who conceals some cowboys in the room where the safe is and some in the bushes outside the house. At night Pedro and his thugs ride up and Pedro enters the room by the window. He is quickly over-powered and his accomplices are covered by the cowboys outside. Pedro confesses to the branding and Dandy is the honored guest at the wedding of Jack and Alice.