Große Völker: Die Griechen Filming Locations

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Große Völker: Die Griechen Filming Locations
Große Völker: Die Griechen (2014)
The Ancient' Greek's lasting legacy to our modern world remains vital in sciences, arts and democracy. From circa 750 BC, hey established many 'city states' roughly I the eastern Mediterranean. Although politically constantly in -often armed- conflict, those were bound by culture, notably language and a uniquely represented pantheon of gods, the twelve main one situated on mount Olympos, venerated despite imperfection due to all too human traits but also incorporating idealized human beauty, our lasting physical ideal, which mortal Greeks were the first to pursue as such, especially in the gymnasium ('naked site') where free young men trained mainly for sports and war, the best competing in religious events, most notably the Olympic games, complete with a divine truce for the duration. Priests yielded wealth and influence from reading the gods, especially Apollo's Delphi oracle. Their Philosophers ('lovers of wisdom') were the pioneers of science, systematically studying nature by logic and empirical methods, laying the foundations of mathematics, physics, astronomy, mechanics with applied inventions - True democracy originated in Athens, where all free men above 18 earned full citizen rights in the unrelenting wars against the Persians, reforms rendering most offices eligible or lotteries, while the rich and their wealth usually hold the main offices, an 'egalitarian' system dismissed from the Romans till the French revolution. *They also founded, in religious festivals paid for by rich politicians, the remaining muster of theater: tragedies revolving around hybris and comedies, and semi-professional sports, culminating in the Olympics until their 5th century AD abolition as 'paganism' by emperor Theodosius.