Gustaf Tenggren - svensk sagotecknare i Amerika Filming Locations

We do not have enough information on the filming locations of Gustaf Tenggren - svensk sagotecknare i Amerika.
Gustaf Tenggren - svensk sagotecknare i Amerika Filming Locations
Gustaf Tenggren - svensk sagotecknare i Amerika (1990)
When browsing through the extensive production of Swedish-American artist and illustrator Gustaf Tenggren, you are struck by its wide spectrum of variation in style and technique. His career as an artist, totally spanning 60 years of professional work, shows a remarkable versatility and flexibility towards the circumstances of the assignment. His total oeuvre makes up a sampler of the styles of art as they proceed through the years. Art Nouveau, Cubism, Realism, and Expressionism - all can be found in his paintings and illustrations, applied to the requirements of the commission. Gustaf Tenggren was nothing less than a walking history of art.