Hannas schlafende Hunde Filming Locations
Hannas schlafende Hunde Filming Locations
Linz is a city in Upper Austria, straddling the Danube River midway between Salzburg and Vienna. Baroque buildings, including Old Town Hall (Altes Rathaus) and the old cathedral or Alter Dom, ring Hauptplatz, the old town’s main square. The riverside Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz has a major modern art collection. Across the river, the striking Ars Electronica Center focuses on society, technology and life in the future.
Wels is a city in Upper Austria, on the Traun River near Linz. It is the county seat of Wels-Land, and with a population of approximately 60,000, the eighth largest city in Austria.
Hannas schlafende Hunde (2016)
A young girl learns the truth about her family's secret identity in a 1960s provincial Austrian town still harboring prejudices from the past.