Heya fawda Filming Locations
Where was Heya fawda filmed? Heya fawda was filmed in 1 locations across Egypt in the following places:
Heya fawda Filming Locations
Cairo, Egypt’s sprawling capital, is set on the Nile River. At its heart is Tahrir Square and the vast Egyptian Museum, a trove of antiquities including royal mummies and gilded King Tutankhamun artifacts. Nearby, Giza is the site of the iconic pyramids and Great Sphinx, dating to the 26th century BC. In Gezira Island’s leafy Zamalek district, 187m Cairo Tower affords panoramic city views.
Heya fawda (2007)
Alternate title: Chaos
Runtime: 124 minutes
Rating: 7.2
Release year: 2007
IMDB: tt1085799
Plot summary
Egyptian movie deals with the issue of corruption in Egypt and the Egyptian police excesses, embodies all of this in the character of the police officer, "Hatem".
Khaled Saleh
Menna Shalabi
Youssef El Sherif
Hala Sedki
Youssef Chahine