Hyakujû sentai Gaorenjâ tai Sûpâ Sentai Filming Locations

We do not have enough information on the filming locations of Hyakujû sentai Gaorenjâ tai Sûpâ Sentai.
Hyakujû sentai Gaorenjâ tai Sûpâ Sentai Filming Locations
Hyakujû sentai Gaorenjâ tai Sûpâ Sentai (2001)
Upon another battle between the Gaorangers & the Org Dukes: Yabaiba and Tsue-Tsue, the two ended up summoning the Lost Highness Rakushaasa, an Org Duke who can siphon the fighting spirit out of his own opponents. Rakushaasa immediately becomes a foe to the Gaorangers when he lends his powers to both Yabaiba & Tsue-Tsue in order to destroy the Gaorangers. When Gao Yellow, Black, Blue, & White's battle sprites are drained by Rakushaasa, Gao Red orders them to head for safety while he tries to fight off Rakushaasa by himself. The battle doesn't go too well for Gao Red when he is subjected by Rakushaasa with several illusions of previously defeated Org Dukes in hopes of making Gao Red go mad. Meanwhile the other Gaorangers who are shaken up from the battle are currently in a safe location trying to recover. They encounter a mysterious monk who tells them of the existence of the predecessor Super Sentai teams who have each saved the Earth from multiple leagues of villains. The Gaorangers were told that they are the current peace keepers of a long line of multi-color masked heroes. After the meeting with the monk, the Gaorangers' G-Phones are scattered off causing the four rangers to chase after them. Each G-Phone is landed at the location of four former Sentai rangers from four different teams, each of the four end up helping the Gaorangers by teaching them what it means to be a Sentai Ranger.