Inn i vårt mørke hus Filming Locations

We do not have enough information on the filming locations of Inn i vårt mørke hus.
Inn i vårt mørke hus Filming Locations
Inn i vårt mørke hus (2013)
'Into my Darkened Home' is a drama about Sara, a 18-year-old Norwegian-Kurdish girl who is in a secret relationship with Erik. Sara lives a double life, but after her parents discover her relationship with Erik, she is kept from him and denied all of her previous privileges. Sara wants to live a life as a Norwegian girl in Norway; now she wants to break out of her family. This is hard for her as it affects her family's honor and her boyfriend's safety; it gets more difficult when her parents make her leave the country to marry her cousin in Kurdistan. Sara is pushed into a corner and must make a decision: break away from her family or preserve the family honor.