My Kingdom Come Filming Locations

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My Kingdom Come Filming Locations
My Kingdom Come (2019)
Simón González (Ourense, Spain, 1964) is the greatest athlete Spain has given, a living legend international full contact. His legacy: thirteen full contact world championships and a historic record that haven't changed his disciplined and hardworking personality. A man from humble origins who found in this elite sport his inspiration. Full contact would hi in return as much as he offered, a whole life. His discipline, persistence, education and respect are what have made him the best. Values that have remained despite the tremendous hits that he has suffered in his life, hits that not even this champion has been able to dodge. He lost his father, his brother and his best friend to this career. After being the King of the World, Simón suffers a home accident that puts him in a wheel chair until today. Far from hanging on to pain, Simón turned to the others finding the strength that he uses to walk again. He recently got admitted to a treatment with mother cells that promises to regenerate his spinal cord. Simon dream is to walk again and hasn't surrendered since then. He has held on to the 3% chances of coming back to the ring as a reason to live and fight. In 2018 he has been acknowledge with the Medal of Honor of the Spanish Olympic Committee. This is the story of Simón, it does not matter if he depends on a wheel chair, he is still and above all a fighter facing his 14th match: to walk again. The documentary is narrated in seven chapters that define Simon's life. This is the story of a king without a kingdom.