No acabarán mis flores Filming Locations
Where was No acabarán mis flores filmed? No acabarán mis flores was filmed in 1 locations across Mexico in the following places:
No acabarán mis flores Filming Locations
San Salvador Atenco is the municipal seat of Atenco, in the Mexican state of Mexico. The name "Atenco" comes from a Nahuatl phrase meaning "place on the edge of water".
No acabarán mis flores (2019)
Adán is a resident of San Salvador Atenco, one of the main populations that have spoken against Mexico City's New International Airport (NAICM). He, by reminiscing his past, tells us the reasons why he has defended his stand throughout the years, despite the problems this has brought upon him. His story is told from the perspective of three other members of the community: a woman who dedicates her life to sustainable engineering and two men who have suffered violence and police brutality for having a different opinion regarding the situation.