Old King Coal Filming Locations

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Old King Coal Filming Locations
Old King Coal (1916)
Before starting for Pennsylvania to investigate the coal conditions Tom takes his mother and Bruce for a visit to the country. During his absence from the New York flat, Dunn has electrical genius Bill Bean arrange a series of small infernal machines in the flat so it is impossible for Tom to enter without getting killed. Stone meets Tom on his return from the country and invites him to call and discuss the coal situation before he starts to the scene of activity. Tom promises that he will do so. Stone smiles, for he knows that Tom is on his way to the flat. Stone assures Weisner, head of the Coal Trust, that Larnigan will never start for Pennsylvania. Weisner is skeptical and informs Stone that if he does go he may be killed, as a strike is in progress. Weisner, a little later in Maxwell's home repeats the statement of it being an easy matter to kill Tom should be come to the coal country. Dorothy Maxwell and Kitty Rockford overhear the conversation. They decide to go to the coal country and lend their aid to Tom. Tom arrives at the flat and stops to talk to the landlord. He is saved from death by a cat which, in pursuit of a mouse, runs across the mat under which the key to the infernal machine is placed thereby closing the circuit which causes the explosion. The spies of Stone report the explosion and Stone in turn reports it to the trust. Stone, in his apartment, is congratulating himself that at last he is rid of the Larnigans, when Tom pays him the promised visit. Stone recovers from his surprise and insists on Tom spending the night in his apartment. Later, when Tom is asleep, Dunn calls to receive Stone's congratulations on the success of the infernal machine. He is astounded to learn that Tom has escaped and is asleep in the next room. Dunn is persuaded to climb in Tom's room by means of the fire escape and finish him. Stone goes to the office of the apartment and reports that a burglar has been seen in the hall. When Dunn climbs in Tom's room he is captured and strapped to the bed. Tom then leaves for Pennsylvania and conducts a quiet investigation away from the scene of trouble. He finds hundreds of loaded coal cars on a siding and to prove that there is no intention of moving them the railroad construction gang has built their tool shanty across the track at the foot of a grade. This is proof that the shortage of coal and the high price is not due to the strike. Weisner comes upon him taking notes of the situation and in the fight that ensues Tom is knocked unconscious and his body thrown into the shanty. The men who assisted in beating Tom and Weisner rush to the top of the grade in order to ascertain how quickly the cars can be moved, as Weisner wishes to refute Tom's report. While the section hands are counting the cars Weisner glances down the grade at the little shed where Tom lies unconscious. A diabolical idea comes to his mind. He quickly uncouples the car nearest the edge of the grade from the train and begins to lever it with a crowbar towards the edge. Meantime the strike breakers have been set upon by the strikers and in turn are charged by the militia. Dorothy and Kitty flee from the scene of battle and after a sharp ride come out on the track of the grade siding. Dorothy learns of Weisner's trick and with Kitty's help Tom is dragged out of the shanty just as the car crashes into it. Weisner's foot was caught by the air brake as he started the car on its downward plunge and he was dragged to death. The militia quells the riot with the usual loss of life, but Tom's report starts government action and the coal situation is relieved. Tom reports his success to Bruce and another name is added to the victory book.