Origanimals Filming Locations

We do not have enough information on the filming locations of Origanimals.
Origanimals Filming Locations
Origanimals (2016)
Paper springs to life on the amazing Planet Origami. This is home to an awesome community of origami animals known as Origanimals®. Ryan Rhino, Fiona Fox, Zoe Zebra and Khye Koala form a wildlife rescue team - the Awesome Four or the A4. In a rescue mission, they'll glide and hop on to a big condor that will fly them to unique locations around the world. Being awesome, the A4 uses problem-solving skills and creative origami solutions to help others in need. This bunch certainly know that the benefits of cooperation are manifold; wherever they go, the A4 is sure to find fun and adventures, and a whole pile of new friends, in fact so many unique origanimals animals.