Prendimi l'anima Filming Locations
Prendimi l'anima Filming Locations
Moscow, on the Moskva River in western Russia, is the nation’s cosmopolitan capital. In its historic core is the Kremlin, a complex that’s home to the president and tsarist treasures in the Armoury. Outside its walls is Red Square, Russia's symbolic center. It's home to Lenin’s Mausoleum, the State Historical Museum's comprehensive collection and St. Basil’s Cathedral, known for its colorful, onion-shaped domes.
Turin is the capital city of Piedmont in northern Italy, known for its refined architecture and cuisine. The Alps rise to the northwest of the city. Stately baroque buildings and old cafes line Turin's boulevards and grand squares such as Piazza Castello and Piazza San Carlo. Nearby is the soaring spire of the Mole Antonelliana, a 19th-century tower housing the interactive National Cinema Museum.
Prendimi l'anima (2002)
Seduced by Jung, killed by hate, redeemed by history. In 1905 a 19-year-old Russian girl suffering from severe hysteria is admitted into a psychiatric hospital in Zurich. A young doctor, Carl Gustav Jung, takes her under his care and for the first time experiments with the psychoanalytical method of his teacher, Sigmund Freud. Based on recently exposed secret correspondence between Jung, Freud and Sabina Spielrein, this true story begins with the Spielrein's healing, closely related to her passionate love affair with Jung, followed by her return to post-revolutionary Russia ? where she became a psychoanalyst herself founding the famous White School ? and her sudden death in 1942, the victim of Nazi violence. The investigation of this story becomes an essential component of the film via two modern researchers, Marie, a young French scholar, and Fraser, a historian from Glasgow, who follow Sabina's life from Zurich to Moscow to Rostow, leading to the discovery of missing portions of the original correspondence. And since any exploration of others' lives inevitably leads to delving into one's own self, the two stories then finally interweave and are swept away in the passionate journey.