Prithipal Singh Filming Locations

We do not have enough information on the filming locations of Prithipal Singh.
Prithipal Singh Filming Locations
Prithipal Singh (2015)
It's the story of an Olympic champion; of a player who won three Olympic medals, gold (1964 Tokyo), silver (1960 Rome) and a bronze (1968 Mexico). It's the story of a man who crossed the border in 1947, who was witness to the partition carnage. It's a story about his struggles of making a new home, and with his skills becoming a legend in Indian sport. It's also the story of a man who took on authority for what he felt was right. It's the story of a man who was gunned down in front of the Vice-Chancellor's office with more than 45 eye-witnesses. None of them testified. It's also the story of a man we have forgotten. It's time the story was told. It's time his story was HEARD.