Romiet and Julio Filming Locations

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Romiet and Julio Filming Locations
Romiet and Julio (1915)
A clever pictorial comedy is this cartoon, which graphically describes the tender love-tale of Julio, a masculine feline, and Romiet, the object of his affections. The howling of Julio is so realistically portrayed in this picture that you will imagine it is the product of the real article. Julio, perched on top of a back-yard fence, sends his unmusical love song in the direction of the home of Romiet, his feline sweetheart. She, reposing cozily on the lap of her old-maid mistress, sighs as the tender strains reach her ears. Her heart bounds as she recognizes Julio's sweet (?) song. Stealthily stealing to the window, she gazes down at him and signals that her only desire is to he perched by his side. But the old maid is wise to Romiet's wishes, and nips her romance in the bud by swooping down on her and removing all chances of her joining her adorer below. Julio realizes that he cannot reach his love, and decides to seek his dinner. Seeing a magpie enjoying a bone, he drives the bird away and captures the trophy. The magpie swears to be revenged. After his repast. Julio returns to Romiet's home, and sees a vendor of toy balloons approaching with his wares. Julio confuses the poor peddler, who loses his grip on the top balloons. Catching the string which ties the balloons together, Julio is lifted into the air, and rapidly rises toward his waiting Romiet. But the vengeful magpie punctures the balloons with his sharp bill, and poor Julio is sent sprawling down to earth. Recovering himself, he flees from the pursuing peddler, who seems determined to take every one of Julio's nine lives.