Rough Poetry Architect Filming Locations
Rough Poetry Architect Filming Locations
Germany is a Western European country with a landscape of forests, rivers, mountain ranges and North Sea beaches. It has over 2 millennia of history. Berlin, its capital, is home to art and nightlife scenes, the Brandenburg Gate and many sites relating to WWII. Munich is known for its Oktoberfest and beer halls, including the 16th-century Hofbräuhaus. Frankfurt, with its skyscrapers, houses the European Central Bank.
Rough Poetry Architect (2021)
An old man fails to recognize his own face in the mirror. He is suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Little by little, his memories get washed away. One day he decides to tell the story of his life to his reflection in the mirror. The man is Hans Broos - a famous Brazilian architect, Carpathian German by origin, born in Slovakia. The mirror he confesses to acts as a reflection of his own memories.