Stand Up! Ein Comedian backstage Filming Locations
We do not have enough information on the filming locations of Stand Up! Ein Comedian backstage.
Stand Up! Ein Comedian backstage Filming Locations
Stand Up! Ein Comedian backstage (2014)
Hennes Bender has been successful as a comedian since 1999. He is comedy award winner and on the Spiegel bestseller list. But what does this say about an artist? Has he achieved everything? In Stand Up! A comedian backstage, he gives insight into his everyday life on tour. Every night he has to make his audience laugh, no matter what difficulties he encounters. How does he deal with such challenges? We accompany him during selected stages, such as a CD recording of his program klein/laut or in performance with sign language interpreter in front of his deaf fans. Bender reveals how his gags arise, how his wife Fritzi has to serve as a test audience during the drafting of a new program and what comedy is about to him.