The Girl and the Reporter Filming Locations

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The Girl and the Reporter Filming Locations
The Girl and the Reporter (1915)
Billie Benton, a cub reporter, goes to the home of Violet Reynolds, a society girl and settlement worker, and asks for an interview, which is refused. Billie returns to the reportorial room, expresses his failure and the city editor assigns Ned Pelton, another reporter, to get the story. Ned summons Billie and explains a scheme by which Miss Reynolds may be interviewed. In the meantime, Violet goes about her settlement work in the tenement district where she is followed by Ned and Billie. Billie again accosts Violet and asks for an interview. She is indignant. Ned pretends not to know Billie, approaches and scores him for annoying Violet. Ned thus wins Violet's gratitude. He tells Violet that he is one John Blake, a settlement worker, and that reporters are very annoying. Ned accompanies Violet into the tenement house where Pete Davis, an office boy, is convalescing. Pete's mother is grateful to Violet and Ned for their ministrations. Violet asks Ned for a pencil and card in order to take Mrs. Davis' address, and Ned thoughtlessly hands her his business card, upon which is lettered "NED PELTON, The Daily News." Violet utterly ignores him thereafter and leaves. Ned follows after finding Violet's glove on the floor. Ned Davis in his tenement home, reads the "Arabian Nights" sent by Violet, who tells him in a note that she is going to Europe. He tells Ned, who calls, of his disappointment in not again seeing Violet. Ned offers Pete a position in the newspaper office when he recovers his health. At the end of the summer Mrs. Reynolds and Violet are sailing for home. Huri Singh, an Oriental, aboard the ship, falls in love with Violet and annoys her. Ned and Pete go to the dock to meet the steamer. Violet promises Ned an interview because he got her protege a position. Huri Singh, the Oriental, plots to secure Violet. He forges a note summoning her, and makes her a captive. Pete and Ned. Alarmed over Violet's disappearance, trace her. They discover Violet's place of captivity and with the aid of the police overcome the Orientals, but Pete is badly wounded. Later, Edward Pelton, reporter, and Violet Reynolds, society girl and settlement worker, are united in marriage through the instrumentality of Pete, the office boy.