The Tale of a Hot Dog Filming Locations

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The Tale of a Hot Dog Filming Locations
The Tale of a Hot Dog (1910)
Honus, an itinerant vendor of frankfurters with no thoughts of establishing a permanent clientele but merely considering how much profit can be made on the least capital invested, apparently has cornered the market on all the old time, left-over frankfurters in town, as this tale will unfold, and proceeds to work them off on the public. At every summer resort, in cities large and small, wherever the belated wayfarer may congregate, there we find the frankfurter man. Who of us has not at some time tackled the luscious hot dog in his lair and with more or less gratification? But this is another story, not of the young puppy hot dog of today, but of those battle-scarred veterans of many campaigns. The hot dog does not recognize race, creed or color, and levels all rank and class without distinction. On this bright July day business was particularly brisk with Honus and he disposed of his wares in a rapid manner and in goodly quantities. It may have been the weather or it may have been the physical condition of Honus' customers, for to relate, each and every one of them, while at first gratified with their purchase, in short order reached the conclusion that they had been cheated and swindled out of an anticipated repast. To start trouble only requires a leader and when the full enormity of the crime perpetrated upon them had been set forth by one of the victims, Honus' customers decided upon speedy retaliation. One by one, in pairs and by crowds the victims joined in the search for vengeance. It was a long chase and a stern chase, but justice will not be denied. Honus was eventually captured and punishment meted out to fit the crime. Honus was obliged to eat each and all but one of his remaining wurst. The other one is what killed the cat.